Archive for business

Starting a business: A journey to self actualization

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 18, 2010 by Melissa Baltazar

On the journey to self actualization

So here it is, the journey of my lifetime. I’ve decided that enough is enough. I’m done working just for the sake of working to pay bills. I want to do something meaningful and fulfilling. There’s nothing like having your own and directing your own path.  After ‘freelancing’ for many years in the areas of video production, writing, business consulting, public relations and event planning, I’ve decided to use these things that I love to do on my spare time and create an actual business. I’ve decided to take myself seriously. My company always had a name that I worked under, OutLoud Communications. I’ll share the story of the name later but for now its about the journey to self-actualization through entrepreneurship. 

Deciding to build a business is making a committment to help yourself through helping others. A large component of this process is learning who you are from the inside out and staying true to it. That’s the part of this journey that is truly transformational and will bring you to success (however you define it). Anyone who embarks on this journey have and will encounter situations that call for making tough decisions, choices between very important parts of your lives and selves, having a tolerance for risk and being OK with not knowing everything all the time. 

I will share this journey with the world no matter how it turns out. I will highlight other players who are helping along the way as partners, mentors, resources or just pure inspiration. The goal for OutLoud is to become a resource for small businesses, to help keep small businesses in business and profitable beyond their 4th year. (Statistics say only 50% of small businesses will make it beyond their 4th year).  In terms of growth I’d like to eventually create media that will inspire people to look into their lives and the lives around them and propel them to change for the better. I invite you to join me on this journey, learn, share, grow and be inspired.

Please leave your comments, suggestions and recommendations. Anyone you’d like to see highlighted here that can serve as an inspiration or resource to building businesses please feel free to contact me with details at